Calling my time at Circle “disappointing” would be an understatement. I thought that training in the basement of a Broadway theater was going to be the time of my life. However, I failed to realize that attending was a mistake for many reasons. Being a person with a learning difference, I found the environment and my interactions with some faculty members to be extremely toxic. I found the ways that they handled mental health needs to be very unsupportive and emotionally abusive. Near the end of my second year, I realized that they would eventually give up on me because I was different. They were not willing to step up and help students like me. Despite making it through both years, I felt that I left there with a loss of confidence. I would have thought that after I left, they would do better with future students, but as I learned from the past few days, it seems evident that they haven’t learned a damn thing. I stand with the rest of the alumni and students that have been affected by the teaching methods of this conservatory and hope that the faculty and administration can be held accountable for their actions. I also hope that they can take time to read these stories and learn how they can do better in the future.

Kevin Buiocchi
Class of 2014



